It's ok if you see my process
“It’s OK, if you see my process…”
I LOVED this audio when I heard it [see video below] so I decided to share a snippet of what my process has been like*… [this video doesn’t seem to work well on a desktop, but viewed on a mobile it’s fine!]
because I was reminded how powerful it can be for some people to see. Particularly as I work with those of you with an inner critic that might encourage you to compare to others constantly, including me.
It’s only 27 seconds, mainly from the last couple of years, and I have SO much more footage (especially ugly crying, there’s lots of that 😩😂)
It’s okay if you see my process
It’s also illustrated tangibly for me from being petrified of ever speaking about my work or posting ANYTHING, ever; to putting out videos that are so far from what I post now; to speaking professionally to groups and audiences.
And of course, my coaching has evolved hugely in this time, too, and, most importantly, so have I as a person. I would NEVER have posted this years ago - even if I knew if was a chance for someone to feel more seen or connected. When we aren’t listening to the ego, we don’t mind sharing these pieces.
This isn’t just the entrepreneur/self-employed path, this is LIFE, of which that is a small part.
Please remember - no one’s journey is linear. No one’s.
And here’s just a small amount of evidence to support that.
(*I’ve done many video check-ins with my various coaches - hence why I have so much footage to reflect on. Almost like a vlog - although never intended that way) What a ride…and it’s far from over!
Remember, freedom and confidence awaits 🙏🏻💫