Sach Patel
Head of Product, Tech Startup
“Had I not been coached by Charlotte I’m not sure I would have the confidence to put myself out there and just get on with life and keep doing what I need to do.”
“In terms of successes, I’m now in an incredible role that is an even better match for my development in all areas. I work with great people, and I know this will allow me to create even more of what is important to me in the future. I never expected progress with the coaching to happen to me SO quickly - it’s been less than 3 months and this has all just happened!”
Before we started working together, life for me was quite ‘noisy’ and I was very much in my head. I created a lot of pressure on myself. I was very critical of myself - and not in a constructive way - in a way that I now see as quite useless.
My biggest fear was that I was never going to be good enough in life - I wasn’t going to be able to provide security for my family; I wasn’t going to be great at my job; I wasn’t good at my job and someone was going to find out, and I was going to be revealed as a person who’s just faking it…all of that was extremely worrying for me.
I felt that I was struggling with so much. I had created this vicious circle of pressure that I just couldn't get out of. I was always thinking “why am I not good enough? I need to do all of these things in life and I'm never going to be able to do any of them because I'm just not good enough. And how can I get better? And am I even capable of getting better?” These thoughts really affected me.
Before I came to coaching I read a lot of books and I listened to a lot of podcasts and I just tried to understand how other leaders in different fields were approaching their own lives and trying to study them. I would look at things like rituals that successful people do; life experiences from successful people… and a lot of that was good to read but, I wasn't quite sure at the end how to apply that to myself. It was often inspiring but there were no action points I could take away from that myself. It was more of an awareness of “hey here is what these people do”.
After we had a couple of conversations I felt that I trusted Charlotte very quickly and easily, and it wasn’t just the conversations we had, I’d seen the posts with information and I thought “wow! This person is very open to learning, and helping and they are obviously very into what they are doing”.
I never thought I would have the confidence to get to the stage of putting myself out there, finding people around the world who would be interesting to work with, and just getting on with it. That has been really great.
Had I not been coached by Charlotte I’m not sure I would have the confidence to put myself out there and just get on with life and keep doing what I need to do.
One of the things that made a big difference is that I am a lot more aware of my thoughts. I can actually address them instead of letting them linger and bother me - which is what I used to do. Now, if I have any questions or doubt in my mind, if there’s any fear, I tend to take a step back - I will always now try to address that thought with the response I learnt of: ‘“hey, that's interesting”. Now, instead of letting the thought manifest and grow into something so that it becomes more pressurised for me, I can nip it in the bud from the beginning. I can really consider: “What is it that is making me feel this way? Is there any merit to it? And can I do anything about it?” I’ve started doing this proactively now and it's powerful because it just rinses away a lot of unnecessary fear.
Before, I was trying to sort of protect myself - when I didn't really need to in many cases- so that’s one HUGE aspect of change and where I am now.
There were so many insights that helped. Learning about the concept of agreements vs expectations was a game changer, it’s changed the way that I think about approaching people and relationships and collaborating with them - whether work or home or any situation. It has had a massive impact.
Charlotte has given me tools to observe my thoughts, and I deliberately make that time and space for it (which I never would have thought to do before we started working together). It was a tool that I learnt in the process and it’s blossomed.
“If anyone is thinking about working with Charlotte I would say, just do it. Take the leap.”
I got this sense of trust and belief in her. When we had spoken I felt that she was really switched on, and that helped create a lot of trust for me in that early stage, and I knew I wanted to work with her.
One of my fears about beginning the work was “is this investment going to pay off? It seems like I have to put in quite a bit of money to get some returns on this and actually I don’t know what the result is going to be like”.
In terms of successes, I'm now in an incredible role that is an even better match for my development in all areas. I work with great people, and I know this will allow me to create even more of what is important to me in the future. I never expected progress with the coaching to happen to me SO quickly - it’s been less than 3 months and this has all just happened!
I feel like I've really come out of my shell. Working with Charlotte on a weekly basis really gave me back that confidence, and that confidence grew in a way that is incredible. I then had the confidence to then go and put myself out there and grab opportunities, which led me to doing some of the most satisfying work I've done in my entire career.
I did some pro-bono consulting, which was something that I never thought I would ever do or was capable of doing. Through that, I’ve now been able to forge many brilliant relationships, some of which will be life-long relationships.
If anyone is thinking about working with Charlotte I would say, just do it. Take the leap. Take the leap because until you do it, you won’t know what it's like. Sometimes we as humans feel like we’ve got it figured out with our own research, our own resources whether it's reading something online or listening to a podcast. I would say: have some trust in the process and give it a go - at least have a chat to understand what it could be like. Once you do it, it becomes something to value very much - I love doing what we do together and I love having an outside perspective that is specialised in being able to understand such a complex person like me, and a complex set of situations, without pushing me in one direction.
Instead of advising, Charlotte really helped me to understand things better for myself, without having this old personality - in which I would criticise myself all the time. For anyone who’s going through imposter syndrome, anyone who has doubts about themselves, anyone who doesn't think they're good enough, anyone who has ambitious goals but has no idea how to get there… Charlotte is THE perfect person to work with to be able to figure all of that out and to be at peace with.
Before, I thought I needed to have all this external ‘stuff’ from others (validation in terms of jobs and money etc ) in order to be happy with myself and who I am and where I am - and it can be hard to believe that is not the way. And now, it feels almost unbelievable - to know that everything you can conceive can happen if you do the work on yourself, if you live a certain way, life gives back. And, to be so happy, is almost overwhelming.