Harry Kendall, National Decathlete
“Perhaps the main benefit I have from my time during these coaching sessions is the positive effect on my mental health and well-being.”
“These coaching sessions have put all of my goals and aspirations as an athlete into perspective, and with each session they appear closer and closer.”
From my sessions with Charlotte, one of the mains aspects of my life which has improved beyond measure is my motivation. As a high level athlete it is vital that my mindset and motivation for training and competing is unwavering; with Charlotte I have found the sessions incredibly useful in this regard.
One of my mains aims going into coaching was to become more organised and productive in my day to day life, something which these sessions have helped with immensely.
Coaching has enabled me to break down seemingly unimportant aspects of my life and link them to my motivation or organisation, leading to simple tasks having a huge boost on my overall well-being.
Perhaps the main benefit I have had from these coaching sessions is the positive effect on my mindset, mental health and well-being, and since day one working with Charlotte I have noticed a marked improvement. These coaching sessions have put all of my goals and aspirations as an athlete into perspective, and with each session they appear closer and closer.