STOP using these words and phrases to become a more confident leader!

STOP using these phrases if you want to be a more confident leader! ⬇️ Or more confident, full stop.

And see these images for some alternatives ⬇️

Remember: how we speak our world, creates our world.

Language matters HUGELY.

When you use phrases like this ⬇️ you undermine yourself:

STOP using these words and phrases to change your mindset

It comes from a good place, because you want to encourage connection and appear inviting, or you DON'T want to appear arrogant.

But you can do/be all of those good things - with some simple and much more EMPOWERING tweaks.

As you practice using empowering language, this helps shift how you see yourself and how you show up.

What other phrase or word would YOU add?

If you’d like more tips, tools, and training clips on how to build and be more confident in leadership and life, I send out a weekly email full of all the good stuff! Last week I sent out a video version of this which was a clip from my recent Creating Unapologetic Confidence course. You can sign up to the mailing list here. And if you missed the training video version of this post, message me and I’ll send you the link.

Freedom - from that discomfort - and confidence awaits 💫

Charlotte Fowles